**************************************************************************** 使用上の注意・特殊文字の扱いについて (橋本哲夫 2003・2・22) 辞書本体は、Glossary(1905) of Andersen's "A PALI READER" (third edition) を下記の加工をして、入力したものです。 ミスプリント等を発見した方は、 hasimoto@shuchiin.ac.jp.までメールを下さい。 辞書本体は、ダウンロード後、コピーして配布してもかまいませんが、その場合は、このファイル(使用上の注意・特殊文字の扱いについて)も一緒に配布してください。 「使用上の注意・特殊文字の扱いについて」のダウンロード用ファイル(圧縮済み) 辞書本体のダウンロード用のファイル非圧縮(P_all.txt)959KB 辞書本体のダウンロード用のファイル圧縮済み(P_all.lzh)411KB **************************************************************************** I)--------------原本の表記と異なって入力した文字-------------------- aa << long 'a'. ii << long 'i'. uu << long 'u'. nq << guttural 'n' nw << palatal 'n'. tz << serebral 't'. tzh << serebral 'th'. dz << serebral 'd'. dzh << serebral 'dh'. nz << serebral 'n'. lz << serebral 'l'.(or sibilant 'l') mz << pure nasal(niggahiita) (*above are the same as those of "The thesaurus of Pali gatha") sz << 'sh' in original. 0.5 << '1/2' in original. /~<< root-sign in original. @ << 'a' with accent grave in original. o: << upside-downed 'C' with ':' in original(It is a phonetic sign.meaning=id.est=that is). s^ << 'c' with cedille in original. e^ << 'e' with accent aige. 0- << superscript letter 'o-' in original. -0 << superscript letter '-o' in original. 0_ << superscript letter 'o' at the begining of a headline word in original.ex.0_bhuuma,etc.. o^ << 'o umlaut' in original.ex.Bo^htlingk,Go^tt.versto^sst. o~ << 'o' with '/' in original.ex.Fausbo~ll, u^ << 'u umlaut' in original. o^o << 'o' with accent circonflexe in original. nq << 'n' with upper bar in original. ae << a diphthong of 'a' and 'e' in original. sec. << 'section mark' in original. G << 'Greek letter' in original. *Dhammapadaの番号表記: ex. Dh.229. Dh.366 << Dh.229. 366. ex. Dh.228,Dh.229,Dh.230. << Dh.228-30. *私自身の注記は、「<」と「>」で囲って書き入れた。 ex. <--- addhagu,gu in original---> U)---------書き換えた単語------------ p.51, 'upatztzhapeti & upatztzhaapeti' << 'upatztzhapeti & --aapeti' in origonal. p.111, '2)a)' << '2,a)' in origonal. p.112, '1)c)' << '1,c)' in origonal. p.138, 'sa.nih-shtzhiv_0' << 'sa.nih-shtzhiv0' . in origonal p.174,279 'tomorrow' <<'to-morrow' in origonal. V)------新しく発見した誤植------ ---------- 誤 ---------------->>------------ 正 ----------- p.10,agaara (& aagaara),n.(-sa.) a house; >> agaara (& aagaara),n.(-sa.) 1) a house; p.21, in lines of "adhigacchati": 'Dh.11-22' >> 'Dh.11-Dh.12'. p.33, in lines of "ariya":'Dh.270;' >> 'Dh.270 bis' and 'Dh.162 bis' >> 'Dh.162'. p.37, in lines of "aacariya": 'acariya-bhaaga' >> 'aacariya-bhaaga' p.37, in lines of "aacaara": 'siila^acaro' >> 'siila^acaaro' p.55, in lines of "uppajjati": 'to be be produced' >> 'to be produced' p.65, 'kanwnwa' >> 'kanwnwaa' p.89, in lines of "gaaha": '(e.s.sa.graaha)' >> '(e.s.sa. graaha)' p.103, in lines of "jaayati": '(birm.read.--te)' >> '(Birm.read.--te)' p.105, 'nwatva' >> 'nwatvaa' p.106, in lines of "tzhaana": '(=vivara)91,0' >> '(=vivara)91,30' p.129, in lines of "0_dhaatuka": 'panzduroga-0' >> 'panzdzuroga-0' p.150, in lines of "*panwcanqgulika": 'panwcaangula' >> 'panwcaanqgula' from Bo^htlingk's Sanskrit Wo^rterbuch p.161, in lines of "pamunwcati": upside down 'e' at the last line >> upright 'e'. p.181, in lines of "pure": 'munca' >> 'munwca' p.236, in lines of "vibhajjana": '--amhi,I09,10' >> '--amhi,109,10' p.249, in lines of "Sakya": 'gen.pl.--aanam' >> 'gen.pl.--aanamz' p.256, in lines of "*santika": 'nibbaana0-' >> 'nibbaana-0' p.269, in lines of "Saavatthi": 'sa.Craavastii' >> 'sa.C^raavastii' p.271, in lines of "siimaa": 'paccanta0-' >> 'paccanta-0' p.276, in lines of "*Sussondii": '-jaataka, n. I9,5. ' >> '-jaataka, n. 19,5. ' p.278, in lines of "sonza": 'sonzi-rupena' >> 'sonzi-ruupena' W)--------------略語(部分)-------------------------- adv.=adverb. arab.=Arabic. augm.=augment. beg.=beginning. Bem.=? Birm.=? buddh. sa.=Buddhistic Sanskrit. bis=double caus. II.=causative II. comp.=compound. compar.=comparative degree. cond.=conditional. cons.=consonant. contr.=contraction. corr.=correlate. correl.=correlative. corresp.=correspondent. cp.=compare. desid.=desider.=desiderative. dimin.=diminutive suffix. do.=ditto,the above or the same. e.c.=end of compound. exx.=examples. foll.=following. fr.=from. fut.=future. generis=? i.e.=that is. ifc.=in fine compositi=at the end of compunds ib.=at the same place. id.=idem,the same. imper.=imperative. indecl.=indeclinable. indic.=indicative. inf.=infinitive. Inscr.=Inscription. interj.=interjection. intr.=intransitive. intrans.=intransitive. ipsissimum Tr.=word-for-word translation. lat.=Latin. loc. abs.=locative absolutive. Mahratt.=? med.=medium=middle=attano-pada metaph.=metaphysically. mss.=manuscripts. nom.pr.=proper noun. nom.act.=nom. actionis=noun of action. onomat.=onomatopoeia. orig.=original,originally. part.=participle. pot.=potential=optative. praes.=present(ae is a variant of e) Praakr.=Praakrit. prec.=preceding pref.=prefix. pres.=present. pret.=praet.<< L.praeterit=preterit(e) prob.=probably. pron. demonstr.=pronoun demonstrative. pron. indef.=pronoun indefinite. pron. rel.=pronoun relational. pron.=pronoun. prp.=prep.preposition q.v.=quod vide,which see. s.v.=see under the word =see under that entry=sub voce. sc.=scilicet,namely. sec.=section. sep.=separately seqv.=sequens?=following(s) sub voce=see under the word mentioned=s.v. subst.=substantive. superl.=superlative. v.l.=varia lectio=various reading=variant reading cf.varr. v.=see. v.=verse. v.h.=see headline. var.=variant(=various reading) varr.=variants(=various readings.pl. of var.) var.lect.=varia lectio varr.lect.=(pl. of var.lect) ved. sa.=vedic sanskrit w. foll. =with following. w.=with. V)--------------- ラテン語(部分) -------------------- enim=conj.,for,namely,for example. igitur=then,therefore,namely. metri causa=because of meter. nam=conj.,indeed. praestantissimum quemque=the most exellent ? quicquid=whomever? quum=cum=when,everytime,even if,while etc.. rei=thing ut=conj.,adv.,then,therefore?